Saturday, January 28, 2017

In the Woods Somewhere: A Marvel faerie tale, by spoffyumi

The snap of a twig drew her attention. A boy emerged from between the trees, black of hair, with dark paint across his eyes. From either side of his forehead a pair of antlers branched out.

Mature, AU. This is truly magical!

In the Woods Somewhere: A Marvel faerie tale, by spoffyumi

Friday, January 27, 2017

this ain't truth or dare, by thisismydesignn

Betty’s fingers trip lower as she kisses Archie back, palming him through his jeans. He’s torn between twisting away and arching closer, and Betty can’t quite swallow his moan.

Jughead does glance over at them this time, anything but subtle (turnabout is fair play) as he meets Archie’s eyes. He doesn’t say a word, just raises an eyebrow and watches him stumble over an explanation, an apology, anything.

Betty saves him from himself.

Adult, PWP, voyeurism. I sure have a thing for this… and I like that it keeps Jughead’s asexuality. :)

this ain't truth or dare, by thisismydesignn

Thursday, January 26, 2017

(There's A) Troll In The Future, by greenbergsays

Steve has a fuckin’ swear jar. A swear jar.

It’s the most ludicrous thing Bucky’s ever heard in his life. They never had a swear jar; they didn’t have enough money for a fuckin’ swear jar. Every damn dime they had wouldda gone into it.

Teen, humour. I love troll!Steve fics, and these two are golden.

(There's A) Troll In The Future, by greenbergsays

When I Put Away Childish Things, by hansbekhart

Bucky gets on a Manhattan bound train around 2:30, heading to 8th St. He watches the Lady far off on Liberty Island as they roll over the East River. The train is crowded and people smile at him, pleased to see a handsome young man in uniform. He smiles back, pleased with the world and everything in it. He wonders where Steve might want to go for lunch. What he’d say if Bucky asked him if he’d ever thought about treating this thing between them as real.

He comes out of the subway a little before 3 o'clock, and the world has changed.

Mature, pre-war. The texture and depth of this… Breathtaking.

When I Put Away Childish Things, by hansbekhart


The embrace

One of my fave scenes…

Lovers in the Backseat, by MissAnonymoushp

Magnus had been getting Alec to do a lot of things he had never done before, and it was just really starting to piss Jace off. Not because he didn’t want Alec to try new things or be happy or to have a healthy sex life (well, maybe not that part, because – well – that was just too confusing to get into)… He just wished that Alec had been able to open up to him all these years instead.

Jealousy. Great.

Adult, voyeurism. Jace sees a bit more than he’d bargained for… This is funny and seriously sizzling.

Lovers in the Backseat, by MissAnonymoushp

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Vid. I can’t live without him, by coldrequiem

A beautiful platonic parabatai tribute by one of my favourite vidders. Music: Come to This, by Natalie Taylor (but with a male voice?)

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Vid: Lex Mala Lex Nulla, by shirasade

I gave you everything
And it’s a beautiful crime

- Beautiful Crime, by Tamer

“One-sided love, a crush even, all that seems to pass by the rule - but real, requited, romantic love? It had a terrible cost.” (Jem Carstairs to Emma Carstairs)

This vid took me way too long to make, and I’m still not completely happy - but I think I did manage to kind of tell the story I wanted: a canon-divergent AU, in which Jace reciprocates Alec’s feelings - and they have to face the consequences.


Vid: Me Too, by space monkey

Oh, Alec Lightwood, my snarky piece of sexyness… Okay, I admit it, I’m just sitting here with *hearteyes*, this vid is too cute! :) Music by Meghan Trainor.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Vid: Beautiful Crime, by Liollama

Gorgeous - I love these boys! The ups and downs of a complicated first love… and I’m not talking about the murder thing. Music by Tamer.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Memorari, by NocturneByChopin

Bucky used to be an avid reader, before the war. Now he gets distracted real easy.

James Barnes keeps forgetting that he can’t remember.

G, angst. Like, seriously, this might just be the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever read.

Memorari, by NocturneByChopin

crawl home, by biblionerd07

“Yesterday.” Wilson looks washed out and Bucky’s heart kinda goes out to the guy. It’s his first time dealing with Steve dying. God knows Bucky wasn’t calm his first time.

Mature, post-CW, zombie!fic. Yep, that’s right, Steve Rogers is a zombie… I love stories where the boys do anything for each other, and selling your soul definitely counts! :)

crawl home, by biblionerd07


ok here’s the deal: people who love romantic jalec need a safe space and this project will aim to provide that space. the network was originally founded in november 2016 to spark inspiration of content creators and provide a safe haven. now, with the show coming back on there’s lots of new people and we didn’t want to exclude anyone. so, without further ado here is the romantic jalec network. 

  • must be following this alec stan

  • must follow the network page

  • must fill out this form ( yes i know it sucks ) 

  • maybe check out my creations? 

  • track the tag rjalecnet

  • any kind of blog can join! you just need to fill out the form and reblog the post. likes are for bookmarking only. 


  • have fun! 

Until I’ve only used my Tumblr to rec stuff - and then along comes Alec Lightwood and parabatai feels, and my shippy little heart (which always goes for the BFF pairing) can’t help itself…

For the record, I love the Jace/Alec relationship on the show (Parabatai Lost, anyone? *wibbles*), platonic love between men is beautiful and important (as long as it doesn’t ignore the canonical history of Alec’s non-platonic feelings for Jace). But in fandom we get to play with ideas canon can’t/won’t, and romantic!Jalec is one of those. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

the blood in your mouth, by nighimpossible

But now, of course, there’s Steve.

Bucky lights up a cigarette with one hand and thinks about where it all went wrong. Vampires aren’t supposed to be good.

Mature, AU, locked for AO3 users. Excellent vamp!Bucky fic, seriously.

the blood in your mouth, by nighimpossible

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A History of Birds, by OddityBoddity

“You look like him. So did Pierce.” His voice is soft, gravelly from disuse. “Is that why they picked you?”
Steve’s heart plunges like an elevator with the cables cut. “Buck, it is me.”
The hard line of Bucky’s mouth softens just a little. “Sure,” he says.

Mature, post-WS. I’d read the terrifying meta that inspired this, pointing out how much a young Robert Redford / Pierce resembled Chris Evans / Steve, but this just… broke me. Excuse me while I ugly-cry.

A History of Birds, by OddityBoddity


Marvel, you didn’t give it to me, so I give it to the fandom

and I regret nothing!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚

No words. <3

one girl in all the world, by Wildehack (Tyleet)

Someone could wish the whole world different, if she really tried. You could have a world without shrimp, or a world with nothing but shrimp. You could even make a world where everyone was happy, and no one died, not even once. In this world, Buffy Summers does not drown at sixteen. 

Teen, wishverse. I just re-watched The Wish and got this hankering to find out more about that Buffy. Turns out she’s not quite the lone wolf she seemed in the ep. :) (And like the fic, we’ll ignore the inevitable ending.)

one girl in all the world, by Wildehack (Tyleet)

Friday, January 6, 2017



Captain Hydra || lunacy

Holy cow, I have no idea how this was done, but it’s amazing! I have no love for the Captain Hydra storyline, but this is awesome. Music: Macbeth trailer.



Bucky Barnes || the failing one

Ngh… Bucky being badass does *things* to me. ;) Music: bombing bastards, by terranova & tricky. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Vid: Sexy Boy, by shirasade

Alec Lightwood, ladies and gentlemen. :)

Just a tribute to my favourite Shadowhunter, because I’m shallow. Music by Air.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Birthright, by Brenda

They were different men now, no longer Prince and loyal subject, no longer Major and Captain, bound together in service. For the first time, they would meet as equals. Or, as equal as they would ever be, considering God’s Grace flowed through David’s veins, and Jack’s blood held only the poison infected in him by his parents.

Teen, post-series. I have such a soft spot for this pairing, and this is fic fixes everything they got wrong in the show.

Birthright, by Brenda





NOT WITHOUT YOU ★ Anthology - A transformative anthology of artwork, comics, stories, and more reenvisioning our favorite men out of time. -

The Kickstarter for this amazing project has begun! Two of my drawings will be included & I hope you guys will support the wonderfully talented writers & artists who are contributing the this Stucky project! @notwithoutyoufanbook

So excited!!!


So, the thing where I have to be a bit careful with money this year? Not going so well already. :)