Sunday, July 31, 2016

After the boys of summer have gone, by pene

The sun’s dipping at the horizon. Zach lowers his voice and says, “I don’t know what happens next.” 

It’s not like Shaun has any answers. He might have nine years on the guy, but he’s been watching and he thinks maybe Zach has it more together than the lot of them. He shakes his head. “I don’t know either. How about next we all go to dinner at the Shack.”

Teen, post-movie. I love this movie, and this is totally how I picture their lives continuing. <3

After the boys of summer have gone, by pene

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Vid: Fan.tasia, by Lindsay McCutcheon

A celebration of Disney animation since 1989… This is simply stunning, absolutely professional editing and fantastic image choices! Music: Pop Culture, by Madeon.

Friday, July 29, 2016



marvel crack // credit

That was exactly what I was yelling at the tv when re-watching Civil War yesterday. :)

Warning Shot, by togina

The rifle was still set up, on the roof of a building five blocks away. It was one of the ones they’d confiscated from the secret basement in the embassy earlier, Soviet made. There were no other marks, and Steve knew there would be no fingerprints. When he stretched out to look through the sight, he found himself staring at Sharon’s chair. Warning shot, Steve thought, and packed up the gun. When he got to the hospital, Sharon asked him why he was smiling.

Mature, D/s. The Winter Soldier shows his disapproval of Steve’s attempts at dating in some quite fucked up ways. Good thing Steve likes that kind of fucked up. (Background Natasha/Sam, Steve/others.)

Warning Shot, by togina

I Want You (To Belong To Me), by bedroom_stars

The Soldier does not want to share Steve with anybody. 

He doesn’t want to share Steve with the Falcon who has kind eyes and speaks gentle words and treats the Soldier like a person even though he is not a person. He doesn’t want to share Steve with the Widow who he both knows and does not know, both trusts and does not trust. 

The Soldier doesn’t want to share Steve with Bucky fucking Barnes.

Teen, post-WS. I’ve got a weak spot for possessiveness, and the way the Soldier is even jealous of his previous self… This owns my heart. <3

I Want You (To Belong To Me), by bedroom_stars

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Enemies Foreign and Domestic, by romanticalgirl

Steve leans against the wall and watches him. He can feel a familiar twist of desire in his gut. Bucky grew up really well, and Steve’s only human. He pushes the feeling away, because pushing it down would only send it directly to his groin, and that’s the last thing he wants. DADT has been repealed, but Bucky’s his job. His mission. And Steve can still see a ghost of the kid he’d been in his face. “I’ll be with you when you go out. I’ll be close by for when you sneak out.”

Adult, AU. In which Bucky’s the President’s son and Steve’s his bodyguard. Also, his former babysitter. This is an awesome mix of action and, ahem, action… ;)

Enemies Foreign and Domestic, by romanticalgirl

Tuesday, July 26, 2016



Avengers Instagram: #TeamCap (insp.)

I’d follow. :)

Poppies of the Field, Chapter 13 | Archive of Our Own


“Thank you for purchasing a StarkTech Companion ‘Bot! Please state your name for licensing.”

Bucky is a severely agoraphobic combat veteran, and Steve is the android he buys out of loneliness.

Wherein loose ends are rounded up and brought to a close.

(This fic is complete. Chapter 1 is here)

Adult, AU. This is amazing - love how their relationship develops and how different yet the same their characters are…

Poppies of the Field, Chapter 13 | Archive of Our Own

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Uncomplicated, by mainpudl

“You should try it some time.” Mouse’s voice had gone soft and low, and it felt only right and natural when his hand dropped to Brian’s thigh and rested there, big and warm. “You never know. You might like it.”

Adult. Because I agree with the author - there’s no way Brian and Mouse didn’t hook up at least once…

Uncomplicated, by mainpudl

Friday, July 22, 2016

Gather Ye Rosebuds, by LavenderProse

“Because, Bucky! Because—you really wanna know? It’s because we’re fucking. We’re fucking and I can’t fuck you and live with you and hang out with you all the time because then it’s too much like a relationship and I just—I can’t right now, okay? I need a relationship like a need a hole in the head and we’ll just both be miserable.”

Adult, AU, trans!Steve/Jewish!Bucky. In which Steve & Bucky are childhood best-friends-with-benefits - but Bucky would like it to be so much more… Unfortunately, Steve isn’t cooperating. This is emotionally satisfying and sexy as hell - and I love how it deals with Steve’s trans identity (i.e. carefully, without making it an Issue). My only criticism is that Steve’s a bit of an ass to poor Bucky.

Gather Ye Rosebuds, by LavenderProse

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

the splinter in my fingertip, by VegaOfTheLyre

When Gomez and Morticia meet for the first time she is nineteen and he is twenty-six; she has just returned home from finishing school in Romania, and he has come to the Frump house for a family lunch with his fiancée, her older sister.

Teen, back story. Gomez & Morticia are possibly the best married couple to ever grace the screen, and this tale of how they met is simply perfect!

the splinter in my fingertip, by VegaOfTheLyre

Monday, July 18, 2016

A Real Grown-Up Name, by fairy_tale_echo

“That’s Frances Houseman,” the girls in her dormitory whispered. “She has that older boyfriend who lives down in Springfield and teaches dancing! He comes to get her on the weekends wearing that leather jacket. She knows things. Things about the real world.”

Post-movie. Dirty Dancing is one of my all-time favourite movies, it just never gets old - and I’ve decided that this story is how it continues. *nods*

A Real Grown-Up Name, by fairy_tale_echo

Sunday, July 17, 2016


Vid: Arrow, by shirasade

When you made a pact with him
A secret that you’d keep
That you’d forget that sin
Could be so warm, so free!

- Arrow, by The Irrepressibles

I hadn’t planned on vidding for this little gem (one of my favourite gay-themed movies, despite the sadness), but the song was just too perfect and those boys give me all the feels.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Good Fight, by togina

“You remember that pub in London?” Steve went on, and Tony thought that someone should have made a note in the SSR records on Captain America. Something like, ‘Subject is a brawler. Do not, under any circumstances, take him to a bar unless you’re carrying brass knuckles and possibly an RPG.’

Teen, humour. Tony takes Steve and Bucky to a biker bar. Things don’t go quite as he expected.

A Good Fight, by togina

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Vid: There’s Always a Choice, by xxghoststoryxx

Aww, Jack… While I wish they’d stuck closer to the Bible’s Jonathan (and didn’t like the “gay villain” trope), I couldn’t help but feel heartbroken for him. Music: Everybody Wants to Rule the World, by Lorde.

Monday, July 11, 2016


Vid: What’s a Soulmate, by of Resave

After stumbling across it somewhere, I wanted to vid this quote from Dawson’s Creek myself, but this one’s so much better than anything I could do… Goosebumps! Background music by Enchantinqs.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

of the start and the end, by waldorph

She remembered dying: being cradled in William’s arms while Eric had tried to find something, anything that would save her. She wondered if together they would manage the thing.

Teen, post-movie. I find the movie only so-so, but I like the way it handles its (apparently obligatory) love triangle, i.e. in a way that makes it easy for me to imagine an OT3. This story is pretty much my headcanon now.

of the start and the end, by waldorph

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Vid: Go Home, by Change Name

I enjoy a good Steve/Bucky AU vid, and this one is refreshingly different - funny and sweet and just all-around awesome.

20th Century Limited, by Speranza

“I was in a hospital,” Bucky said slowly. “I couldn’t move. My arms and legs were—broken.” He looked at Steve with real fear in his eyes. “I’m not really here, am I." 

"No, I don’t think so,” Steve agreed, swallowing back his own terror. Bucky wasn’t alive, Bucky couldn’t still be alive; Steve would have known if he was. He remembered clinging to the outside of the train and having the radio in his mind go silent: that sudden, terrible dead air. The loneliness, the internal emptiness, was unbearable. 

“I’m in the hospital or I’m dead, but I’m not here,” Bucky said. “And you’re…" They both looked down at the hole in the ice. 

"I’m down there,” Steve said. “I’m still under the ice.”

Adult, canon-divergent, telepathy. One of the side-effects of the serum is that those injected with it are telepathically connected - which changes Steve and Bucky’s relationship considerably… But this epic story only starts there, what’s most amazing is what happens after they both fall…  I can’t believe I hadn’t read this before, it’s simply breathtaking!

20th Century Limited, by Speranza

Down Into The Golden Lands, by Speranza & alby_mangroves

Thor sighed. “He is building a house in the land of the dead, and once built it will be too late: we will see him no more. I went into my mother’s realm, the place beyond death, to try and persuade him.” He looked sadly at each of them in turn. “I know that you would have done the same, for Steve is our leader and our heart. There is not one of us who would not walk into hell for him. But we must face the fact that—" 

"—it’s not us he wants,” Natasha said, sucking her lip. “It’s Barnes. We’ve got to send Barnes.”

Teen, not-CW compliant. This is so different, and all the more beautiful for it. 

Down Into The Golden Lands, by Speranza & alby_mangroves