Monday, October 31, 2016


Vid: 6 MInutes of Salt, by saara-a-v

I watched a couple of eps of this show and wasn’t particularly hooked. However, there’s something about Alec and his unimpressed face… Music: Walking On Sunshine (instrumental), by Katrina and the Waves.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Nightingale, by Saucery

Marcus - didn’t step back. His courage, really, ought to have been lauded; as it was, it was a mere unremarked-on necessity. His contract specified that he not engage in communication with the client, but it also stipulated that were a response commanded, he would, if the environment were secure enough, be compelled to obey. 

Esca knew that, of course. The brat knew everything. “Come here, Marcus.”

Mature, AU. Esca is a dancer, Marcus his bodyguard. It goes about as well as expected. Intense!

Nightingale, by Saucery

Cherish the Day, by tvashti

Frank was surprised by how quickly he became used to the cards.

Gen, post-movie. As much as I’d like them to have a romantic happy ending, this story of how Frank and Rachel remain friends is lovely - and happy, too.

Cherish the Day, by tvashti

Vid: The Scientist, by shirasade

Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start

-The Scientist

Randomly got this idea stuck in my head and simply had to do it. Music: acoustic Coldplay cover by Kina Grannis, Tyler Ward & Lindsay Stirling.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

begin again (you say we can still be friends), by spock

He’s sharing his best friend with a guy who doesn’t even know it.

Teen, Josh POV. I love this movie, and this fic does a good job at filling in the blanks and making (mostly) sense of what was only implied in this strange and lovely fairy tale… 

begin again (you say we can still be friends), by spock

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Louder Than a Whisper, by zarabithia

The questioning eventually comes to Bucky. “Captain America,” a sharply dressed male reporter says, “what are your thoughts on repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?" 

Steve feels a sharp twist in his gut, one that matches the nagging impulse that hasn’t left the back of his mind in the months since he made the decision to not come out.

Mature, comic!verse. I love comic!Steve & Bucky, and this Steve is so great - both during the war with Bucky and after his defrosting, forming new relationships and dealing with his sexuality in a world that hasn’t come quite as far as many would like to think.

Louder Than a Whisper, by zarabithia

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Vid: Fic trailer - This, You Protect (by owlet), by shirasade

The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect.

I love owlet’s series so much! <3 Warning: vid contains spoilers for the fic! Music: Cells, by The Servant.

Generational mistakes, by owlet

Most of him was covered in black robes, just like Luke round about the time of Endor. Leia had laughed at Luke for it. She’d laugh at Ben now, if there was any room for laughter between them. She hadn’t had anyone to laugh with in such a long time. 

Teen, post-TFA. I’m not a Kylo/Ben fangirl, but oh, this fic… Leia’s POV here is simply amazing, and I lovedlovedLOVED all the different relationships forming after Ben gets captured by Luke and Rey.

Generational mistakes, by owlet

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Vid: Don’t Let Me Go, by lonelymundane

I’m enjoying Westworld so far, and the romantic in me is very much rooting for the star-crossed lovers robots Dolores and Teddy. This vid captures both the beauty and the heartbreak of their story. Music by Raign.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Hunting Song, by Anya

When Jack wants a little night music, he looks to make an old song new again.

Adult, post-Cyberwoman AU, dark!fic, Jack/?. This Jack is unsettling, even before it becomes clear who his trick for the night is. Ouch.

Hunting Song, by Anya

Adaptation, by Anya

Harkness Anthropology 101: An Abridged Guide to Human Sexual Evolution

Sex looks a lot like your life these days. You can have something for an hour, a night, maybe a year or two, and then it’s gone.  Even if you believed in it, it would be stupid to think that staking claims means all that much.

Teen, Jack/various. Great Jack character study in early series 1, with just the right dash of Ianto. :)

Adaptation, by Anya

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Vid: Not In Control Of Myself, by Destiny Is A Funny Thing

This one’s short (and doesn’t have any Steve in it, which is unusual *g*), but it doesn’t pull any punches - and I simply love how the noises Bucky makes (completely wordless, because that was taken from him, too) fit into the soundscape. Music: Data Romance - Night Section.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Vid: Fairytale, by shirasade

You are my fairytale
I hope that you don’t run away

- Fairytale, by Milky Chance

My tribute to the 2003 movie (my favourite!) and the awesomeness that is the web series. Ep 17 of season 1, during which Peter and Wendy tell of their first meeting just made me melt. I decided right then and there that they’re the original Peter and Wendy all grown up. Because of course Peter came back for his Wendy. :)


Vid: Fireproof, by shirasade

Did you know, me and you
Must be fireproof with all the hell that we’ve been through

- Fireproof, by Coleman Hell

I spent way too much time tinkering with this, but after the angst!feels Civil War gave me, it felt good to do something that’s about the good instead of the bad: That, after everything, the boys are still together.


Vid: I Loved You First (Not Easily Conquered), by TeamHodgins

Womb to tomb, sweetheart.

An amazing vid for a breathtakingly heartwrenching fic. Music: Arctic, by Sleeping At Last.

Monday, October 10, 2016


Vid: It’s Raining Men, by DailyAsgardianNews

A tribute to all the attractively falling (and just attractive) men of the MCU… Love it! Music by The Weather Girls.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Tricycle, by CloudAtlas

Laura knows that expression simply because she herself wears it so often. 

Falling for Clint Barton has its own particular facial expression – fond and exasperated and slightly sappy all at once. Though to be fair, on Natasha it’s more exasperated than sappy.

Teen, polyamory (not a threesome). Because if I was Laura, I’d enjoy imagining Clint and Natasha having sex, too. *g* This is how I can live with the weird farm family thing. 

Tricycle, by CloudAtlas

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Vid: Broken, got it all broken, by RockSashka13

A beautiful OT3 AU. Music: December, by Wooden Arms. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Vid: L.O.V.E. by purplefringe vids

One of my favourite adaptations of one of my favourite Shakespeare plays, this is just a delight - as is this vid, capturing the playful spirit of Beatrix and Benedick as well as their, well, LOVE! :) Music by Nat King Cole.

You want some bourbon/I want some oranges, by jouissant

Don’t worry it, he meant to say, but he didn’t have the chance. The move was ill-timed, and their fingers brushed. Their hands caught in midair and dropped to the earth together. The expression on Nix’s face reminded Dick of earlier, in the road.

Adult, Winters’ POV. 18′000+ words of feels about Winters and Nix, all of them perfect in their hesitant unavoidability.

You want some bourbon/I want some oranges, by jouissant

Monday, October 3, 2016

Burning Alive, by dovingbird

“We have three spare bedrooms, Katniss,” Peeta says softly. He begins cutting the cookie dough into little shapes, the cutter’s rhythmic thump breaking the tension that still sizzles between them. “You can go out. You can hunt. You don’t even have to see him." 

But she knows better. Because there are nights she still dreams of Gale and wonders what he’s doing now, what they could be doing together. And since when has she ever been able to deny her curiosity? She’ll see him, all right. And every single piece of shit will hit the fan in a second.

Adult, post-canon, polyamory. I haven’t even read or seen the entire Hunger Games trilogy, but re-watching the first movie (and drooling over Gale *g*) got me curious - and this fic is peek into the future that seems totally in keeping, even improving on it. Also, it’s hot as anything! ;)

Burning Alive, by dovingbird

Sunday, October 2, 2016

In The Space Between Them, by Fee

Ariadne repeats, “Arthur and Eames – they’re a bit childish, don’t you think. This isn’t preschool. Eames flirts by kicking over Arthur’s chairs for heavens sake.”

“Flirts?” Cobb asks, surprised. 

Teen, post-movie. Ariadne is having problems figuring out what Arthur and Eames are to each other… I love outside POV, and this is just lovely.

In The Space Between Them, by Fee

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Merciless Hours, by togina

“I heard you’re the best shot on base,” Rogers said, staring out over the camp and toward the horizon. “Maybe the best shot in the Army.” 

His head swung around in surprise when Bucky’s response came out in a bitter laugh and a puff of smoke. “You been asking around, private, I can guarantee that ain’t all you heard.” He arched an eyebrow, letting his gaze drift down the broad contours of a chest visible below the cotton of the private’s shirt. “You interested?”

Teen, a bit underage, comic!verse. Bucky’s never been the kid sidekick. This is intense, and I’m utterly in love with Bucky & Steve’s relationship here.

The Merciless Hours, by togina

Iconic, by Te and Jack

Bruce is there above him, showing nothing but pure Batman
face. Silent, and silent, and still managing to tell him that this
is a case closed a decade ago. 

But he’s not going to let it go. He’s not fifteen anymore,
going home alone to pine and yearn and jerk off until he can
sleep is no longer age-appropriate.

Adult, angsty smut. Nightwing finds himself in a familiar position with Batman… only this time, it’ll end differently. This isn’t fluffy or sweet, but it’s full of emotion and hot, acrobatic sex. :)

Iconic, by Te and Jack